How To Burn Fat Without Cardio Or Dieting
(Submitted by: Matt Marshall)
I hate cardio.I hate treadmills, exercise bikes and elliptical machines. I hate exercising for hours at a time, just to burn off a few measly calories.Luckily, I recently discovered a way to burn NINE TIMES more fat without wasting ... Read article
Review The South Beach Diet Plan
(Submitted by: James Ellison)
If you have been living beneath a rock for the past one or two years, then you have not heard of The South Beach Diet. For some reason, you have not yet tested it. Perhaps you are concerned that it is a low carb or no carb diet plan, or perhaps ... Read article
Fad Diets and Quick Fixes Vs. Proper Eating Habits
(Submitted by: Lauren Robertson)
Americans spend around 30-50 billion dollars each year on fad diets, quick fixes, and gimmicks. While spending only a small amount each on proper dieting methods like eating healthier foods and exercising regularly. Why is it that we spend so ... Read article
Top Internet Dieting Resources
(Submitted by: Madison Lockwood)
Dieting is a principal health topic in the U.S. and rightfully so. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, almost two thirds of American adults (age 20 years and older) qualify as overweight. That's slightly over 127 million ... Read article
Cellulite Diets
(Submitted by: Peter Emerson)
Cellulite diets may be termed as healthy eating rather than dieting. There are two steps involved - eating healthy foods and avoiding certain types of foods. This type of dieting is more commonly known as detoxification diet. Detoxification diet ... Read article
How Safe Are Low Carb Diets?
(Submitted by: Eddie Tobey)
Low carb diets have become popular due to the fact that they help reduce weight within a short period. Many dieticians advocate reduction in the intake of carbohydrates in order to reduce body weight. Though low carb diets are widely followed, ... Read article
An Easy User Friendly Diet
(Submitted by: Patricia Zelkovsky)
Get out a pencil and notebook, and begin your diet by recording everything you eat; when; and how much. No, this is not a substitute for weight watchers or any other diet plan. There are no rules to follow; no special menus; just you and your ... Read article
Are You Aware of These Negative Results of High Protein Diets?
(Submitted by: Foras Aje)
It will be preaching to the choir to say that we all need a certain amount of protein everyday to remain healthy. However, based on misinformation to this effect, several people view the daily consumption of a high-protein diet as beneficial, ... Read article
Here are Some Effective Diet Techniques
(Submitted by: Foras Aje)
Finesse, skill and common-sense are some of the components needed to succeed at doing anything, going on a diet included.Therefore to avoid the results of most diet trends and excessive calorie-counter dieting suffice it to say anyone ... Read article
Can I Just Exercise Alone to Lose Weight without Dieting?
(Submitted by: Foras Aje)
Well, thats an interesting albeit understandable concept; to just do exercise without worrying about what one eats to lose the pounds.I mean when one considers the problems with most diets today, especially with world being filled with ... Read article
Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie: Fat Camp Counselors?
We truly live in the age of the airhead. The next season of 'reality' show The Simple Life will have Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie as camp counselors. "The girls[...] will be guiding the children through a week of weight loss and fitness exercises." (src)...
Food: Can Variety Breed Indulgence?
Every morning I have the same breakfast. With the exception of a few minor variations I have been eating the same breakfast day in and day out for years. Some people believe that too much variation can lead to indulgence. Is this really true?...
Even Light Exercise Helps Smokers Quit
Even short bouts of light exercise such as strolling can help smokers quit by reducing cigarette cravings and withdrawal symptoms, say scientists at the University of Exeter in the UK. The study is published in the April edition of the journal Addiction. The scientists suggest that a short session of moderate exercise, lasting for as little as five minutes, is sufficient to reduce cravings for a cigarette. [click link for full article]
A Short Walk Helps Smokers Quit
Smokers should do short bouts of exercise to help them resist the temptation to light up, say experts at the University of Exeter. A review, recently published in the international journal 'Addiction', concludes that when smokers abstain from smoking, exercise can help them to manage withdrawal symptoms and resist the urge to smoke. [click link for full article]
Fruit Juice: Making Kids Fat?
Research from Australia has concluded that children who drink 2 cups of fruit juice or fruit drinks per day were more likely to be overweight or obese than those who did not. It seems that the more fruit juice consumed, the more chance of being overweight: "Children who drank more than three glasses of soft drink - three quarters...
Be Inspired: Shannan's Story
Some people have it tough, and others have it very tough. Shannan Hutchinson is one of the latter. Shannan has Multiple Sclerosis - yet despite the phenomenal challenges posed by her illness, Shannan was able to lose over 90 pounds - by eating right and exercising. Here is her story....